Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Most Valuable Player

So it's been 31 days since I had "time" to write. I have had time to do other things but I have not had time to find the time. I think I was avoiding what was in my head because I didn't want to face or hear what was in my head. Sometimes there is so much noise in my head that I can't focus on anything but peace in order to get the noise out. In order to get the noise out, I have to focus on peace. The peace that is beyond anyone else's understanding. Sometimes I have to find the peace that disturbs others just because I need to find peace for myself.

As the fourth quarter of 2016 comes to a close I think about this year as a game that I was the starting player in. I take this year for simply what it has been an intense game and this year I was the Most Valuable Player. This year I was starting in the game like Lebron James, I mean scoring the most points, finally, I was really in the game, winning in the game and then BOOM life hit me...life happened and I got hurt and I felt like I was going to be out the game forever. It was like I was the chosen one and then I wasn't chosen anymore. If I was in the game and I was playing and winning and I felt valuable I had to come to the self-realization and wonder who was I playing for...if I was playing for myself than I would be losing but if I was playing for the commentators I would be losing simply because I CHOSE to give up. When I felt the most hurt when I felt like I was being taken out the game instead of quitting, I chose to go harder. I chose to work through the pain. I realized in the last quarter of the game that our minds sometimes get in our way. Our thoughts stop us from breathing the best air because we become stuck in our clouds of a mess. Learning to control your thoughts when you fall and when you feel like you lost it all it is the ultimate measure of what makes you the most valuable player. In order to be the most valuable player, you have to be the best performer no matter how hard the game gets. The MVP won't always comes from the winning team. In order to be the best, it means work through the pain...work through the hard stuff. These quarters along with seasons mean more than you could imagine. As the season's change and the weather changes and only SOME things remain the same what is it about your life that should be changing and what is it about your life that remains the same. Most of us suffer from change....all year we know after spring comes summer and after summer comes fall and after fall there is winter...every year people complain about the weather changing even though they know it will change....as the seasons change and our lives change what must remain the same...what must change? I realized just like the season's change I must change...but unlike the seasons my life changes are not predictable.  I have avoiding myself because I can't hear what's in my head clearly. I can honestly say with every UP and down I experienced this year I have been blessed beyond measure.

2016 brought me nothing but joy. 2017 and every year following will be ours for the taking. It is time out for sacrifices and time to be obedient! I refuse to be in this same place and space next year! God, I am so thankful and so honored to be chosen by you. I choose you every day and every day after I pray to be as great as you have made me. Time to stop tapping into all the negative and only dwell on the positive. Learning to search for the peace that entirely is inside of self versus the peace that people will promise to bring. People don't bring peace they bring noise and destruction so you have to constantly provide your own peace and maintain your own peace in order to be happy. In order to be At peace, you must first find what it is that brings you peace. Peace comes from within so how do you determine what your peace is. In order to determine it first you must be it.

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