Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Watch out!

As a 26-year-old who grew up with social media, I have to admit that I have become a follower of many things. A follower of trends, of relationships, of blogs - just a follower. I am writing this blog because I was just looking at the Instagram page of a random girl and I went back about 52 weeks into her life. First, I must admit how distracting AND pointless it was for me to stalk her life like that. What attracted me to her Instagram page was the accolades that she mentioned in her bio. (regardless if true or not true, I have learned that people are not who they "post" to be.)  I was fond of the B.A. and M.B.A. following her name,  the awards from Forbes, extravagant purses, clothes, shoes and the beautiful vacations she took. I was watching her life and was like, my life sucks. I mean instantly, after seeing what her life seems to be I felt some type of way. It was not jealousy but a wave of can I do that? Will I do that? How do I do that? What does it take to do that? Why am I not doing it? What is the- the that  I even do? I had to snap back into actual reality. My reality where I know that pictures are just pictures and words are just words but actions are actions. Actions happen when you believe in yourself and not the pictures. Or actions happen when you see the picture and understand that you too can create that life for you. Pictures may tell one thousand words but Instagram is staged. Social media is staged. Why would anyone post the negative instead of the positive? If you came across a page on Instagram where all the person talked about is being poor, mentally and physically you would hit the unfollow button quick. Why would anyone be honest with a bunch of strangers, you have the right to create the person who you want to be. There is nothing wrong with creating the person who you want to be and then actually being it. So many people are caught up in faking it until they make it that they never even begin to do the work to actually make it.
Let me clarify this by saying I am not a hater of social media but I am living in my own reality. Understanding that life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be lived. Social media should be a virtual vision board but don’t let it create an observer out of you. Don’t just keep watching and liking everybody else’s success or pictures of what may be a success and get out there and work! Work your gift like you watch other people work their gifts.

Are you an observer or a doer?
A doer is a person who actively does things instead of just thinking or talking about them
An observer is a person who just watches and likes.

The other day my nephew was over my house and he was on YouTube watching a little boy play a Lego game. Watching another little boy play the same game that he has on his iPad but instead of actually playing the game himself he was observing his peer. This was a very confusing experience for me. Now, let me tell you why I was confused by this- but then ultimately fascinated. Instead of playing this fun game, this 6-year-old would rather watch as someone else plays the Lego game. I watched him watch this kid play and after a while, I said to him ‘is that fun to you, watching as someone else plays the same game that you have and could be playing?’ He says “well, you watch TV” and then I thought about it. I have the same 24 hours as everybody who I am watching so why am I wasting my 24 hours watching them when I could be working on me. I am asking this 6-year-old who is doing something simple, fun and innocent such a complex question. A complex question that I am not even sure I have the answer to. I need to ask myself that question. Not only do I need to ask myself that question… I need to respond to that question with a plan of action for my life. I mean who knew that watching a child, watch another child play a game would give me insight to my life. I have been a watcher, a complainer, and a procrastinator. I have been complaining about watching people live out their dreams while I procrastinate my own dreams and keep liking and watching them live in their moment. I am now a doer (trying to do and be more daily, because some days it gets hard and I would rather just watch) because I got and still am tired of watching everybody around me do something and all I can do is be supportive. I was an observer because it is always easier watching others be great than actually trying to be great for yourself. Being a doer takes actual work and most of us would rather watch other people do the hard work.

A few tips:
Surround yourself with other doers- It is true that birds of a feather flock together. Find people who are constantly trying to be better and not stagnant. Because even if you are a watcher you will get tired of just watching. The top five people you call/ talk to are a reflection of you. Is your top five worthy of being your top 5? How about this, are you worthy of being in your top 5?

Stop giving energy to things that do not work – Insanity defined by Einstein is doing the same thing over and over again...are you going insane?

Simple: Being a doer means less talking more actions!
And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.” Habukkuk 2:2

Write the vision, make it plain and then run with it... Don’t stop and call your friends until you get there. The problem is many of us start talking before we start walking. People prey on prayers, dream killers and negative Nancy’s pretending to be your friends but literally just around to shoot you down and tell you maybe that’s not for you. Make your plan, plain and work your gift! Less talking, MORE ACTION!

Don’t talk about it be about it! If you keep talking about your plans to everybody, you will wake up one day and somebody will have used your great idea!

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