Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Stop Running!

You can run, but you can't hide.
You keep running from one thing and then you end up running into another. Running so long you don't even know what you are running from. Do you feel like running currently? Running until you can not run anymore? I feel like running into a new career, a new life. I just want to run. But what are you running from? From responsibility? from failure? disappointment? pain? Every time you run from something you RUN right back into it, just this time it's dressed differently. I ran from my job in July ran right into the same situation. I have run from so much. I have changed the route so many times by running away from myself. 
What do you mean by "I have changed the route so many times by running away from myself."? 
Instead of facing my fears countless times I have just said nonchalantly, "that wasn't for me and everything happens for a reason...' instead of believing that I could have just figured it out I would rather just say nope this is too much for me. 
Instead of running away from the problem, let's face the problem. Look at the problem and say how can I solve you. Stop letting your problems take care of you and then get mad when you can't solve them. 

A problem is a matter or situation regarded as unwelcome or harmful and needing to be dealt with and overcome. In order to solve the problem, we must stop creating these problems. 
---How do I stop creating the problems? 

So many times instead of finding solutions we create excuses. The fear of facing our own problems limits our ability to solve the issues we are facing. Rather than looking within and taking a deep dive into what is wrong with us, we focus on the external factors that are much easier to blame for things going wrong. When it comes to introspection, most of us are scared to even be honest. Instead of facing ourselves we look for the nearest exit, we want to run away and never look back. When you run from problems you are creating more stress. If you continue to avoid yourself and your problems you can begin to acquire more stress. The longer you run from your problem the more complex and compounded the problems begin to become. Learning how to stop running away from yourself can make all the difference in the world. Learning to stop blaming everyone else and having some accountability for your actions can make every difference in the world. To be in control of your life you can't run from yourself you have to face it! 

Think things through before you commit to anything think about how it will make you feel, how it will make you better, how it will change you for the better and how it will change you for the worst. When everything seems that it is going wrong and you start to feel like you are drowning. Stop right there and relax. Don't Panic! Stay calm and think things through! I know it is easier said than done but have you ever noticed that by panicking you cause more stress and create more problems. Out of panic sometimes we make stupid decisions that could've been avoided if we took the time to think.

Don't feel guilty about being in a bad situation: instead of feeling guilty about being in the situation strategize about how to get yourself out of the situation and never allow yourself to get back in the situation. Stop feeling bad and not allowing yourself to ever feel good. 

Acknowledge the problem before it acknowledges you. Be honest with yourself. Look at your life and just be honest. Ask yourself the questions that you want to know the answers too. Stand outside of yourself so that you can truly see yourself. Be neutral with you!

Stand up for yourself: Be brave! Being brave means exploring your weaknesses so that you may be strong! Look into yourself, exploring your weaknesses can be hard but this is not about belittling yourself it's about uplifting yourself. Work through the negatives about yourself  and discover why you doubt yourself. Self-reflection is so important it allows you to see you for who you really are.

New Living Translation
"That's why I take pleasure in my weaknesses, and in the insults, hardships, persecutions, and troubles that I suffer for Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Corinthians 12:10 

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