Friday, November 4, 2016

Day 3: Bringing the True Self Home

Centering Thought: My true self is the source of peace and love.

As soon as I read this, I knew! I knew this was the meditation that I needed. Why is it that these meditations seem to know exactly what you need when you need on the day that you needed to hear it! I have learned in life that my true self shines the most when I am alone, when I am centered by my thoughts and by my own truth. My own truth and what people perceive to be the truth about me are two totally different things.

What I have learned about relationships is that when you lose sight of your true self in a relationship you become disconnected. Problems stem from within, relationships start from within. But unfortunately most of our relationships our worked from the outside in. Instead of trying to understand we ultimately get mad because that person isn't doing what we want/need them to do WHEN and HOW we need them to do it. When you lose sight of your true self it is hard to differentiate your personal feelings from the feelings your partner may have about you. All we want is security but we cant allow our egos to get in the way and let us be insecure! Peace starts from within, search from within.

What I love the most about this meditation was the introduction of ones false self. Deepak says that "The true self is fundamentally different than our false self with its ego-centered desires, judgments, and goals. When we try to establish relationships based on our ego needs, we invariably find conflict." Now lets think about this statement...usually when arguments or disagreements occur it is due to the fact that somebodies ego has been offended. Lets be honest, if everybody did what you wanted, when you wanted -  there would never be any arguments but life is not like that. In the midst of the argument you are saying all the hurtful things that come to your mind because at this moment you want to hurt that person. You feel like if you cant have peace from within than they cant have peace from the outside in. Now you are disturbing your own peace by bringing conflict to someone else.

Relationships are hard work, solely because you think its about the other person but it is all about you. If you find the peace inside of yourself, you wont allow for anyone to disturb your peace and you won't attempt to disturb anyone else's either!

Sanskrit Mantra: Shanti Hum - I am Peace!

Say it with me: I am Peace. I receive Peace. I dwell in peace. I love in peace. I am peace! Peace is me!

Peace is defined as a freedom from disturbance. A disturbance is a noise or something bothering you. How much stuff is bothering you right now? Aren't you tired of stuff bothering you, don't you need some peace? Don't you want eternal freedom from disturbance in your own mind and in your own life.

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