Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The Blues

Are you ready to live your best life? Tired of complaining, tired of hearing other people complain. Tired of negative spirits. Just tired. The last couple of days, have been rough for me. I mean ROUGH! I have been meditating, praying just anything to bring me closer to peace. Usually, I would try to surround myself with people to try to bring in louder noise to cover up the noise I was already experiencing. But this tine, it was different. I was not isolating myself from people instead I was isolating myself from the distractions that I allow other people to cause in my life. It is so easy to listen and deal with someone else's problem rather than to face your own.  How can I keep going places when I am not even in the mental space to be in that place. Starting from within, you begin to realize that the reason you are not having a good time is because that is not where you want to be. Not mentally, not physically or emotionally. We struggle in life because we can't face ourselves.

Live your best life and stop talking about what is wrong and start talking about all the things that are right in your life. Complaining is so tiring, so many people begin to complain because they don't believe in themselves. This past week I began to turn my phone off just for clarity. I needed to be sure I was making decisions
 I begin to listen to myself. Now, I will be honest most of the time I was sulking and upset but I chose to do so alone so that I could understand what I was going through before I asked someone else to understand what I was going through. 

Spending time alone gives you the space to understand why you are in this place. Lord, give me the clarity and the understanding to know why I am in this space and give  me the power to leave this place in a better space.

Today is Day 7 of the meditation for me. Today is about Giving yourself permission to heal without allowing your ego to get in the way. Allowing yourself the space to heal 

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