Thursday, November 3, 2016

Day 2: Ideal Relationships and Where They Come From

Day 2: Ideal Relationships and Where They Come From

Ideal relationships come from within you cannot expect more than you are willing to give. Working from within changes how you approach situations and people. If you are at peace with yourself you will give that peace out and  when you are in confusion people can pick up on that. Developing yourself is just as important as the development you require from everyone around you.  As much as I needed the meditation on Day 2 it was so hard to find time to settle down. But when I sat down and had a chance to meditate I realized that this was just what I had been missing at the start of my Day 2. Meditating in the morning, just like praying gives you a different sort of peace throughout the day.

During this meditation, there were two questions presented that stood out to me: Why do you connect? and Why do you disconnect? We connect because someone is giving us everything we want and everything we need. Most people begin to disconnect when they stop getting what they want. BUT- think about this if you were able to give yourself everything you need you would search for less.You would seek compliments instead of approval. The need for someone to tell you that you are constantly doing great is something that you have to work on, on your own.  The ideal relationships truly start within.

As we get older and we acquire more and more relationships we begin to expect more from everyone else than we are willing to expect from ourselves. People tend to pick up the "I can hurt you but you can't hurt me- motto" Heart to heart relationships are relationships that cause us to be vulnerable as Deepak said, these sort of relationships allow for us to be impacted by the judgment of others. And then we begin to internalize this judgment..."well, maybe it is/was my fault. I am so sorry." I am sorry to say that in an ideal relationship you won't speak as a victim. Taking responsibility doesn't mean to speak from a point of blame but from a point of how we can I resolve this.

Personally, I have truly been on a journey this last year to discover why and how people expect so much from others but in return expect nothing from themselves. You cannot expect what you are not giving. Period! For so long I spent so much time blaming others for what was happening until I had to look in the mirror and say self....maybe it is you. Once you begin to work from within you will begin to understand the dynamics of all relationships and how these relationships begin within.

Centering Thought: My relationships begin within, through love and caring for myself
If you don't love and care for yourself or if you don't even understand how to love and care for yourself how do you expect someone to understand how to do that for you. Stop expecting people to care more than you care. Life is all about connecting with yourself and finding the joy inside so that can illuminate. In order to feel the love you want from others, YOU must first give it to you. In order to find the respect you want from others, YOU must give it to you. Everything you want, expect, demand and require from everyone else start requiring it from yourself.

Question for you and I:
1. Do you show yourself compassion?

Sanskrit Mantra:
Karuna Hum - I am Compassion

Join Me: Oprah/Deepak Meditation

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