Wednesday, October 26, 2016


Take notes! Let's take a journey!

Answer these questions: Who am I? Am I who I think I am? And am I all I ought to be? 

Find a focal point for your year: Give your life a theme of purpose
Set goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely. All goals should be SMART:

Set personal goals: remaining calm, being peaceful, find out what makes you happy, find your peace, find what makes you smile
Set financial goals: save more, pay yourself like you pay your bills, set up a rainy day fund 

Reset your default mode: Everything has a reset button when it comes to technology but people, we cant just reset a moment or go back to factory settings but what we can do is change our attitudes and our approach to those around us. Change your mental zip code. I know sometimes you cant just pick up and move everything in your life but you can change your mentality. You can move from a negative space to a more positive place. Acknowledge whats wrong and begin to focus on whats right! Acknowledge, accept, and change what you can and then let go of the chaos. 

Sometimes you need to change your focus. Stop focusing on what you haven't done yet and focus on what you have already completed. Start with your already done list! Focus on what you have accomplished and where you can go from there. Get out your own way! 

A few tips: "Bless the gifts that come wrapped in sandpaper" I cannot remember where I heard this but I know it helped me change the way I think. Sandpaper is used for what? Sandpaper is used for preparing wood for paint,polishing metal and can be used to roughen some materials. Wow, bless the gifts that come wrapped in sandpaper because they may be preparing you for a tough situation that you will need to get out of polished and stronger! Every problem, even those that we cant find solutions for are meant to make us better. It is not about what happens to you but about how you handle what happens to you. Every experience is a lesson. It is up to you which lesson you will choose to learn.

Stop just reacting and learn to listen!
Listen to understand and not to respond!
Respond with reasoning!

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