Thursday, October 6, 2016

Dealing with no.

I want everything that I want right now!  But Success is a process. a long daunting, drawn out, exacerbating process. But everything that happens, happens in time for a reason to help you determine your purpose. Your purpose is your reason to wake up, your reason to continue but so many of us stop at the but. We can't admit our faults and let go of our excuses. Learning, to be honest with yourself is a difficult truth to face. We lie to ourselves more than we like to admit. We pretend to be happy, we pretend to have it all but in essence, we can't face ourselves. I remember when I was going through this rough patch in my life. My words were not aligning with my thoughts and my actions were not aligning with my words or thoughts. I was stubborn and angry and defensive but it wasn't my fault. It was everybody else's fault that I was in my situation. It was someone else's fault that I didn't have money saved, that I didn't get that job or that I couldn't figure out my life. If you see where I am going here, I am going into the realm of excuses. And if we know anything about anything then we know that excuses build monuments of nothingness. I got tired of making excuses about what everybody else was doing wrong to me and began admitting what I was doing wrong to myself. It sucked being honest and transparent to myself but I began to see my life change. Not overnight, but with time. With time God revealed to me that I could elevate myself to higher platforms by letting his will be done in my life. 
"You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised." Hebrews 10:36 

God's timing is not always going to be pleasing to you. I want what I want right now. God says no, I refuse to wait. Impulsive. In life, you must realize that in order to grow, you must know what it is that you are growing from. If you failed a test and never reviewed the test to learn from your mistakes how will you know what you need to correct? 

How do I deal with no? How do I trust that the pain I am enduring now is worthwhile? How do I trust the process, when I am not sure that it will work? How do I trust that this no, is not a door closing permanently? There are so many questions that remain unanswered. But, imagine if you received all the things that you have been asking for? What would you have done with all the yes's? I understand that every no is not final, but sometimes it is hard hearing no. Hard always being prepared for no. But that is when your confidence should kick in. Not the confidence that others have in you but the confidence you have in yourself. So many times we can't deal with "no" because of the expectations we are trying to live up to for someone else. The first step in dealing with no is being able to look at yourself in the mirror and have the wisdom to understand that you were not really ready for the "yes". 

I remember a time when all I heard was no. It was so common for me to hear no that I started to think my name was no. I had become the no before I even asked the question in my mind, I knew the answer would be no. I was so defeated. But, then I realized I was receiving these "no's" because I was not ready for the yes! Learning to not only understand that I was receiving the "no's" because I had not been through what I needed to get to what I wanted. There are levels and steps and dimensions you can’t just wake up on top. You have to go through something. How you deal with the "no's" will determine how many "yes's" come your way. 

Accept and learn that 'no' has 'no' power over your life but, it should encourage you to keep going. It should encourage you to look within yourself and see what you can improve. We can always do more if we want more. Stop walking around wanting everything from everyone and you won't do anything for anyone else. 

Peace be with you! 

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