Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Work in Progress!

I am a work in progress. The Lord knows my heart. Emotions take over and I pray that the good Lord still knows my heart. Logic tells me to do one thing yet my emotions get the best of me and I revert back to ego and my ego won't let ANYONE try me. Often I pray that I am emptied out of my fleshly self and that only words of impact and direction come out of my mouth. But let me tell you, it is hard. It is easy to curse someone out, but it is hard to walk away without responding. I have learned recently that hurt people hurt people. Hurt people say exactly what they know will trigger you out of your peace. BUT, peace starts with you and it begins within. True peace won't let ego knock you out your square. How do you move out of ego and into peace?? First you have to admit that you have an ego. Ego is defined as a person's self-esteem or self-importance. How can feeling self-important be a bad thing? Remember, too much of anything can become a bad thing.

Currently, I am in a process. This process is difficult because I don't know the outcome. I will be fine of course, I just don't know the road to fine and that is what is scary. My true self-says to trust the process and work diligently through the process my ego says play victim. My ego is screaming to me "They hurt you, hurt them" but my true-self is saying just trust the process. My ego is getting the best of me because when in doubt you need the confidence break...it’s like a devil sitting on the shoulder looking at me like..."so, you not sending that crazy text?"

People with understanding control their anger: Think about this...how can you control your anger? How can you control your ego? Ultimately the question is: can you control yourself? Self-control is the ultimate measure of peace. Self-control will stop you before you start. And every day you won't be in control but if you strive to be in control daily...you will be. Yesterday, I lost self-control and I said every mean thing that I could think of. I was so hurt that I said all these hurtful things some that I meant and some that I just said because I knew it would hurt. Let me tell you how this disturbed MY peace, MY mind, and MY clarity.

People with understanding control their anger. I could not control my anger but because I was searching for clarity from a person who didn't even care that they were hurting me. I was losing my self-control (MY SELF-CONTROL) over someone else whose day would go on. I had to realize that understanding was something that someone else could not give me. I had to get the answers from within. I realized this after I lost my cool, after I cried, after I was embarrassed by what came out of my mouth. A hot temper shows great foolishness. Yesterday, I was a fool because I let my temper get the best of me. I am a work in progress. Today, I can acknowledge and move on because I am aware.
I am able to share failures because no one is perfect. Life is not about living in the problem but getting to the solution. Yes, there will be people who piss you off...some even purposely. Don't give them your power. Don't look like a fool because you are mad in the moment.

If you are as great as you are do you really have to scream it everywhere you go or will people just see you. See greatness shines from within...greatness doesn't need make up...it doesn't need fancy clothes...all greatness needs to do is just show up. But ego gets in the way and we can't just show up we have to SHOW OUT... You deserve to just show up. You deserve the peace that you have been missing. You deserve conversations that don't turn into arguments. You deserve arguments that don't turn into fights. You deserve to be understood. The theme is that YOU deserve what you have been missing. I know we are all a work in progress but stop letting everybody take you there and they don't even plan on going with you. Woooo... drops mic….. don’t give your peace to someone who came to steal it.

People with understanding control their anger; a hot temper shows great foolishness. - Proverbs 14:29

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