Monday, November 28, 2016

Pressing forward!

It is over now. When the worst happens only the best can happen from that point on out. What is "it", It is whatever you have going on in your mind or life preventing you from going forward. Life changes...break ups...divorce....separation...confusion...job happens...but when life happens what happens to you? Life is all about receiving what it is you are looking for. What are you looking for? Define it. Own it. Go get it!  Some of us so many times say we want something and when we get exactly what we want we are not ready to receive it. Be open to receiving what you are seeking. I am seeking peace, financial security and freedom from debt and I am open to all that comes with it. You have to go through something In order to get to something. Why do I always have to go through something!? I know that is what you are thinking but it's because you were chosen for it, you will beat it. You are the contender. The best is out there waiting for you, needing you to get to your best life.

"I traveled seventy states..." when I first heard Solange sing these lyrics...I'm like where in the U.S. are there seventy states? Solange, my friend in my head, you are tripping - but then I realized that I myself have traveled 278 states of mind trying to figure out who I am and where I'm going. I remember I moved to Georgia 'searching' (traveling physically but not traveling mentally) I remember I went on vacation 32 times in one year... I was traveling physically but not traveling can take the girl out the place but doesn't mean she will be in a different space. Your state of mind is continuously changing and as it should be. Life is about evolving and changing. Not remaining stagnant and afraid... if you had a broken device and all the tools you needed to put it back together would you leave it broken or put it back together? Think about that, if you had all the tools you needed to fix what was broken would you leave it broken? I don't know about you but I am tired of leaving broken pieces trailing behind me and I refuse to have all the tools I need but not utilize them.

You are not meant to stay the same. You are meant to grow. You are meant to explore all that life has to offer and you are meant to get it. Stop feeling sorry about what happened in the past and be grateful for what is coming. Because greatness is coming, are you ready? Are you prepared? Get prepared. My favorite quote by Oprah talks about how it is more important to be prepared than it is to be lucky... "I believe luck is preparation meeting opportunity. If you hadn’t been prepared when the opportunity came along, you wouldn’t have been lucky." If Oprah is talking about being prepared versus waiting for luck than you must know YOU have got to be prepared. Think about how many opportunities that have passed you by because you were not prepared in that moment. If you are tired of living in the same state of mind don't just think about changing your physical location but begin with your mental. Where you are currently is not where you will be permanently. You don't have to physically move in location to change who you are but you have to be willing to move to a different place mentally. Our mental state determines who we are, how we treat people, how we allow people to treat us and what we accept from people. In order to receive the most out of life, you have to get into a good space mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally. Stop allowing the past to haunt you in your present so that you can make it to your future. It is over now (whatever 'it' may have been is over...and I know you never thought it would be over but now that is over and you are still living you do realize that YOU can only stay down if you choose too) you have nowhere to go from here but up.

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