Friday, December 2, 2016


The rain is only a nuisance when you haven't been harvesting seeds! My whole life people have been watering seeds that they have planted in me and now I am ready to watch the rain pour down on these seeds I have been planting in myself!

Are you ready for what you have been praying for? Are you ready for what you said was yours, already? If you are ready then stop complaining about the storm that you are currently in. We know that storms don't last forever even when they seem like they will. I met a farmer who did not complain about the rain...he said all year I've been planting these seeds and it hasn't rained once...I've been waiting for the rain so that I can reap from the seeds I have been harvesting. There are so many moments in life when people may say something to me and I am literally like I have to write this down or write about it. When he said this to me it made my mind wander...constantly we complain about things because we are not prepared.

Think about your life as a harvest...the seeds have been planted, diligently you have been planting seeds in your life for your order for the seeds to grow and blossom YOU have to endure the rain!

Are you prepared to win? Every win is not as glorious as the pictures. Every win is not picture perfect. Every mistake is not a failure. Do you know what it will take to win? HARDWORK AND DEDICATION! It will take you to understand that the storm will not last forever. Just because it is a storm doesn't mean you have to die. There are people who stop as soon as the storm hits, they don't believe that the rain will stop. Those people are have been warned that you need to prepare if you are not preparing for YOUR OWN life why do you think somebody else will. The harvest is for you... How many storms have you seen in your lifetime? You have lived through enough to understand that life just keeps on going and the sun eventually comes out. Also, you learn every storm is different but YOU it is all about you. #sendtherain

I am not worried about the storm, I have prepared for the storm.

“Here’s the lesson: Use your worldly resources to benefit others and make friends. Then, when your earthly possessions are gone, they will welcome you to an eternal home. “If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities.
And if you are not faithful with other people’s things, why should you be trusted with things of your own? “No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other; you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.”
Then he said to them, “You like to appear righteous in public, but God knows your hearts. What this world honors is detestable in the sight of God.”
Luke 16:9-10, 12-13, 15 NLT

I am going with this rain/storm metaphor because there is something about the rain and natural disasters that have to be synonymous with real natural life. See God is not a man without a sense of humor. Have you ever seen a storm so huge and destructive and then all of sudden a rainbow comes out! You cannot tell me that problems wont end. Storms destroy homes and then the sun comes out... Tuh...storms destroy lifes and then the sun comes out....the storms will happen....bad things will happen...BUT the sun has to come out! You will come out of  the storm! #sendtherain!

(nuisance means an obnoxious thing, condition or practice.....)

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Lets talk about faith!

are you faithful with what you have right now? Or are you too busy complaining about what you don't have? If you can't turn your little into enough and then enough into more how do you expect to be blessed with more. If you can remain faithful during adversity imagine how you will be blessed with your prosperity. 

So many people get caught up in the 'Church' and not in the words from the bible. The actual knowledge listed book by book. We get caught up in the why's and what’s of the worlds that we forget what we need faith for. Believing in God or a higher power is not about believing in what you can't see it’s about believing in yourself. You can love a man who hurts you, forgive a friend who harms you but you can’t trust a promise that someone will love you and protect you. We put so much trust in what we can see and what we can touch or feel yet that is what continuously hurts us but we refuse to believe in the power of love and the power of faith. There are so many pessimists and not enough optimist because life has taught us that more bad will happen then good...but as I get older and the more people who I love and trust hurt me the more I realize that the power of faith is real. There is a promise in the bible that says "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:6. Maybe you are not a religious person, or you don't believe in God or even a higher power but if you read books for motivation, if you read books for energy for knowledge...if you read a promise that you know couldn't be broken wouldn't it make you want to know more about why you must be so strong or why you must be so courageous. Now, I love the Lord with all my soul for he heard my cry but beyond all that, as a scholar, I read books for knowledge and I love the bible because it is filled with knowledge. People have often said there are no instructions to life but in that bible, there are so many stories and instructions and guides of wisdom that I refuse to believe that.  I know that this blog won’t be for everybody but it will be for someone who is searching for themselves everywhere but inside of themselves. One thing I have learned about this "INVISIBLE" God is that he is so real and everybody else is so fake. Even if I never get to touch him - the disappointments, trials, and tribulations that I face have nothing to do with him and EVERYTHING TO DO WITH ME AND WHO I ALLOW TO GET CLOSE TO ME! See, we blame everybody including this invisible man instead of the actual people who do the hurting. You think God took those things from you but if you could sacrifice for those things why can't you sacrifice for you. What I have learned is that God is in me...."God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her, and that right early." I have learned this through pain and failed relationships and failure. I am not embarrassed to say that I have failed because at least I tried. Everything won't be for me, but what is for me will be.  Every time I count on someone and I give all the glory to that person or that thing God shows me that I still don't give him enough glory. I had to learn that it is not the troubles of life that God will keep you from but there will be that God will bring you to to get you through. Now, let’s say you don't believe in anything that is fine, but I would rather spend my whole life doing what is right purposely to find out there is no God instead of doing whatever I wanted whenever I wanted only to find out there is a God. 

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